New Year: New Goals | 5 Tips to Regain Your Program

The new decade started with 2020 being a year we will not soon or easily forget. Many things were thrown out of sequence and activities were either cancelled or deferred.

If maintenance was one of those activities affected, the following may help in regaining control.

  • Take an inventory of your equipment and condition
  • Identify or reassess the importance (criticality) of each equipment in your processes
  • Dust off and review maintenance records of each individual piece of equipment
  • Identify specific needs for each piece of equipment

If fluid analysis is one tool you use to assess equipment conditions, then consider these:

  1. Collaborate with your Technical Business Consultant | Identify specific actions/activities that will enhance the impact of a well-managed fluid analysis program
  2. Audit your Equipment List | Complete any missing information and move inactive equipment to a mothball account
  3. Review your Users | Assess your list of active users and add new or remove those that are no longer needed
  4. Determine Training Needs | Identify gaps and schedule appropriate sessions and topics
  5. Develop and Participate in a Program Review | Program reviews highlight areas where the program is being successful, as well as those needing improvement. Specific equipment in need of attention can be identified as well.

If you are ready to refocus your maintenance and fluid analysis, contact your POLARIS Laboratories® Technical Business Consultant for assistance in reviewing your maintenance practices so you can take your fluid analysis program to the next level.

POLARIS Laboratories® Technical Business Consultants:

Henry Neicamp

Connect with Henry on LinkedIn

Julio Acosta

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Let us prove it to you.

Published October 13, 2020