How to Stay Afloat: Tips to Increase the Value of Your Fluid Analysis Program

A properly executed oil analysis program delivers operational cost savings while increasing component life and reducing time between scheduled and unscheduled equipment overhauls. An oil analysis program can also address safety concerns and minimize risk to personnel and assets.

The goal of an oil analysis program is to become more proactive, less reactionary and to conduct maintenance and repairs at a lower level of intervention. Such practices can reduce labor costs, spare parts and oil consumption. In turn, this decreases urgent demands on the supply chain to replenish lubricating oil or spare parts.

Oil Analysis + Planned Maintenance

Linking the right oil analysis program with the right planned maintenance program will allow you to generate better work orders based on precise oil analysis conditions and laboratory recommendations. This will lead to improved maintenance actions and more accuracy in spare parts purchase orders and lubrication inventory.

Moving to a steady state where planned maintenance is associated with an oil analysis program across multiple ships reduces the pressure and stress on engineering staff. Data collection across multiple vessels and across like-for-like equipment creates a view of what’s happening now and what happened in the past. This insight especially the past conditions, is useful in forming a plan to reduce or even eliminate certain recurring oil conditions.

It Starts with Ownership

A successful oil analysis program begins with everyone involved in the program taking ownership. From the engineer taking samples, to other engineering team members carrying out appropriate, timely maintenance actions. Knowing where in the system to sample, and sampling consistently each time from the designated sample point under the same operating conditions, is crucial to program success.

Create a Feedback Loop

Maintaining a constant, positive approach to your oil analysis program will reward you with a measurable return on your oil analysis program investment. In time, this will serve as a feedback loop for program self-improvement and increased equipment reliability.

Proven Impact. Proven Uptime. Proven Savings.
Let us prove it to you.

Published September 10, 2020