Improve Turbine Reliability

For turbines, unexpected downtime is not an option. The importance of this component makes reliability essential. Partnering with the right fluid analysis program, you can not only reduce downtime but also extend your turbine’s drain intervals.

Improve Your Equipment Reliability:

Turbine reliability is critical for any energy generating unit. The importance of the component to your business makes unexpected downtime unacceptable. Many plant managers move to scheduling turbine maintenance to ensure reliability.

Increase Your Savings:

There’s no way around it – turbine failure is always expensive. Planning your maintenance with a POLARIS Laboratories® program gives you the chance to extend drain intervals and perform maintenance before failures occur.

Extend the Life of Your Equipment:

The best way for you to analyze the health of your turbines is through fluid analysis. By monitoring turbine fluids, you can ensure lubrication meets the standards for the extreme working conditions of your components.

The key to improving the health of your turbines is by building a partnership with a strong fluid analysis laboratory capable of addressing common pain points. At POLARIS Laboratories®, we work every day to be that laboratory. We want to do more than provide you with a service. We want to provide you with the tools you need to succeed. Contact us at to start the partnership.

Proven Impact. Proven Uptime. Proven Savings.
Let us prove it to you.

Published November 7, 2017