From the Expert: Effects of Varnish

Varnish is a gel-like substance that adheres to metal surfaces and can cause hot spots, increase in machine temperature and can result in filter plugging, micro-dieseling and can cause catastrophic failure. It’s important to test for varnish on turbines, compressors, hydraulics and large circulation and lube systems. We’ve turned to our expert, CLS and OMA I certified Data Analyst, Elaine Hepley, to explore varnish and the Membrane Patch Colorimetry (MPC) test conducted to detect it as well as two other tests that can help identify varnish formation potential.

  • Membrane Patch Colorimetry (MPC) ASTM D7843
    • MPC is a test designed to capture any presence of varnish that is soluble with the oil. This test is performed by heating the sample to 60 to 65 degrees Celsius for 23 to 25 hours. The sample is then placed in the dark away from UV light for 68 to 76 hours. After the incubation period, the sample is mixed with Petroleum Ether and stirred for 30 seconds to allow a complete mixture and then filtered onto a 47mm, 0.45-micron-size membrane patch.
    • The patch is placed in a location free of dust and heat and air-dried for about 3 hours. Once the patch has been dried, a colorimeter is used to detect the color of the patch and the CIE Lab ΔΕ and L*a*b* calculations are used to report the color of the patch. The color and severity scale is as follows:
      • 0-14.99: Severity 0 – Very low potential for varnish formation
      • 15-19.99: Severity 1 – Minor potential for varnish formation
      • 20-29.99: Severity 2 – Moderate potential for varnish formation
      • 30-39.99: Severity 3 – Significant potential for varnish formation. Preventative measures should be taken to stop the continuous formation of varnish
      • >40: Severity 4 – Severe and evident formation of varnish in system, and action must be taken to remove varnish.
    • The lighter (whiter) the color of the patch, the lower the MPC value and the darker (amber) color of the patch, the higher the MPC value.
    • PLEASE NOTE: Gray discoloration of the patch can be attributed to micro-dieseling or static discharge in the filters.
    • MPC testing can be performed on turbines and other unit types such as compressors, hydraulics, large circulation and lube systems.
  • Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV) ASTM D6971
    • LSV uses a voltage reading to detect the presence of anti-oxidants amines and phenols. The test is performed using an alcohol/acetone based solution (yellow or green) to help draw out the anti-oxidants from the oil. An electrical current is introduced to the sample and reveals the presence of amines and phenols in a matter of seconds. The results of the used oil are compared to a standard (new lubricant levels) and the differences/changes in the anti-oxidants in percentage are reported.
    • Some formulations are composed of amine, phenols or both. Phenols are considered to be the “sacrificial anti-oxidant” when formulated in conjunction with amines. The role that the phenols have is to be the first to deplete. This leaves behind amines to stabilize and keep the potential for varnish at bay.
    • That is not to say that phenols are a weak anti-oxidant. In a phenol-only formulation, the phenol is formulated to hold its presence and not deplete as rapidly when formulated with an amine. The same rule would apply to an amine-only formulation. These anti-oxidants help keep the free radical oxides from taking over the system and creating “varnish”. Anti-oxidants help sustain a healthy operational life for the equipment.
    • It has been discovered that as these anti-oxidants deplete, the potential for varnish is eminent and action should be taken to help remove the varnish from the system entirely.
  • Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test (RPVOT) ASTM D2272
    • RPVOT was designed to measure the oxidation stability of a turbine oil in minutes. The lubricant is placed in a vessel containing a polished copper coil. The vessel is charged with oxygen and then placed in a bath heated to a constant temperature of 150 °C. The vessel rotates while submerged in the bath and will stop once a drop of 25.4 psi is reached from maximum pressure.
    • When the test is complete, the RPVOT results are divided by the starting value RPVOT of the new lube to calculate the overall percentage of remaining useful life.
    • Calculation %=RVOT test result ÷ RPVOT new lube
      • Values of >55% are within the acceptable limits for the method and no action is needed.
      • Values of 55-45% are approximately half of the products starting life and sweetening is recommended.
      • Values of 44–26% indicate low oxidative stability. The possibility for sludge formation and discoloration is likely, and sweetening the sump is recommended.
      • Values of <25% is an indication the oxidative stability is extremely low and change of lubricant is advisable.
    • RPVOT testing is essential to for turbine oils this test helps determine when to schedule downtime and maintenance actions.

It is believed that as the antioxidants deplete, there is an increased potential for varnish formation. LSV Ruler testing is recommended to help monitor the antioxidant properties as well as the presence of varnish formation via MPC. As these antioxidants deplete, the presence of varnish forming can be captured on the MPC. These two tests can be used to help correlate any decreases or increases in antioxidants and monitor any changes/improvements with the presence of varnish. The same correlation can be used with RPVOT as the values decrease or are <44% the potential for varnish formation.

Click here for a complete list of testing performed by POLARIS Laboratories®

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Published May 1, 2018

8 Tips for Setting Flagging Limits

Our customers often ask us to display the condemning limits for the tests performed on their sample, on the actual sample report they receive. Believe it or not, there is a reason why we exclude the limits from the report. It’s not a simple case of we are unable to, or we do not want to. The real reason relates to the complexity of using the correct limits for each parameter, based on several pieces of equipment and application information; as well as looking at trends of historical samples from the same unit, rate of change and any other applicable information relating to the sample and component. These differentiating factors result in limits changing dynamically on a sample by sample case, dependent on this information.

When setting limits, the following information must be taken into consideration on each sample, below are some examples:

  1. Equipment Type: (e.g. hydraulic)
  2. Specific Application: (e.g. Injection Moulding Machine)
  3. Equipment Manufacturer: (e.g. ARBURG)
  4. Equipment Model: (e.g. 1120H)
  5. Industry Type: (e.g. industrial manufacturing)
  6. Filter Type: (e.g. INLINE)
  7. Filter Micron Rating: (e.g. 10 micron)
  8. Sump Capacity: (e.g. 1000 litres)

Once limits are set, it’s best not to use them exactly. If for example, the iron ppm condemning limit for a hydraulic oil sample is set at 30ppm, customers may not expect the iron result to be flagged until it exceeds 30ppm. However, if historical samples from the same unit have consistently shown iron results of less than 5ppm, and on the latest sample the results are 22ppm, this is considered an abnormal trend, and exceeds expected Rate of Change values. In this instance, the result of 22ppm would be flagged as abnormal for these reasons, but is still below the statistical condemning limit level of 30ppm. So, if we did display this limit of 30ppm on the sample report, the customer may ask why the result has been flagged at 22ppm as it is under the threshold, which would in turn lead to more confusion and questions. Another important point to note is that combinations of metals present also affect the limits used, as they may indicate abnormal wear to a specific component.

Most OEM’s will provide some form of condemning limits in their technical bulletins or operational guides, but often come with the caveat that ‘these fixed limits should only be used if the laboratory cannot provide limits based on robust statistical analysis of previous results’, which further confirms the need for an accurate statistical model to be used on all samples tested.

Click here to read more information on setting limits


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Published April 24, 2018

POLARIS Laboratories® + Reliable Plant 2018

POLARIS Laboratories® experienced succesful networking and visibility at the NORIA Reliable Plant Conference and Exhibition April 17-19. The conference welcomed hundreds of lubrication, oil analysis and maintenance professionals to Indianapolis. POLARIS Laboratories® was proud to be a premier sponsor of the event and provided many opportunities for attendees to network and learn about proven fluid analysis services.

The pre-conference workshop, Identifying the Causes of Contamination and the Actions That Mitigate Them, presented by POLARIS Laboratories® technical business consultants, Randy Clark and Henry Neicamp, proved to be a great success.  The workshop dived deeply into what causes fluid contamination and the actions to take to reduce equipment maintenance costs.

Contamination control also was the focus of four POLARIS Laboratories®-sponsored learning sessions during the conference taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday of the conference. Each of these learning sessions sparked interest in many of the conference attendees and resulted in a high attendance rate.

The POLARIS Laboratories® facility tour brought more than 60 Reliable Plant attendees to our Indianapolis laboratory location to tour our state-of-the-art, accredited laboratory, participate in a discussion panel and engage in timely networking. Reliable Plant attendees arrived at the POLARIS Laboratories® facility Wednesday evening and were guided, by our Chief Executive Officer, Bryan Debshaw, through our laboratory facility and office space. Attendees learned the ins and outs of how our laboratory and support operations help our customers achieve greater maintenance success and save more of their equipment.

We would like to thank all the Reliable Plant attendees who participated in one of our sponsored conference opportunities! If you’re interested in learning more about how our fluid analysis services can reduce maintenance costs and generate proven results contact us!

Data Extraction Made Easy

It’s not just fluid analysis, it’s what you do with it” is something we say a lot here at POLARIS Laboratories®. We strive to help our customers extend the life of their equipment – we do this through not only laboratory testing, but extensive data generation and analysis. While some consider us just “the laboratory”, we pride ourselves on being more than that. By providing you with in-depth analysis and maintenance recommendations, you can address any maintenance issues early.

Data Overload

We test and analyze thousands of samples daily, each generating dozens of individual data points. With different types of components, fluids and severities potentially spread out over multiple accounts, the amount and complexity of data can be hard to decipher. This is especially true if the extent of your data management is simply just receiving sample reports in your email inbox. What do you do with all of that data?

There’s a Solution

Fortunately, our information technology department has developed a number of helpful and innovative tools within our online data management tool, HORIZON®, to help with this. Along with real-time dashboards, we have a number of pre-made reports that most likely can answer most of the questions you may have regarding your sample data. But what happens when there is not a pre-made report available? If you are the analytical-type and know your way around Microsoft Excel (everyone’s go-to Business Intelligence tool), you might just want the raw data so you can do your own analysis. The tool in HORIZON that gives you the ability to do that just that is called Data Extraction.


Data Extraction is a simple tool within HORIZON that gathers data based upon customized criteria you set and exports it into an Excel-compatible file. Let’s say you wanted to compare two different locations that had severity 3 and 4 rated components for the last quarter. With Data Extraction, you can easily generate this report in Excel so you can go filter or use Pivot Tables to see what is potentially driving those severities.

How It Works

We have recently made some changes in the way the Data Extraction queries are processed and the results are impressive, with reports being generated in seconds. Give Data Extraction a go and see for yourself.

  1. Go to HORIZON and log in
  2. Click on the Management Reports tab
  3. Select Data Extraction Tool from the left-hand navigation
  4. At this point, you can easily select the filter criteria for the report you want to generate
  5. When you have finished selecting your criteria, click Run and the file will generate and download

If you would like to see a walk-through demonstration on how to run a Data Extraction report, click here to watch the video in our Technical Library.

Our goal is to help companies like yours save more of their equipment and strive to provide the resources to do so. We welcome any feedback on the functionality of this report and any other features you’d like to see in HORIZON.

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Published April 10, 2018

Fluid Analysis 101: 5 Tips to Collect the Best Sample

Obtaining a truly representative fluid sample from your equipment or machine is the most critical part of a successful fluid analysis program. Without a true, accurate representation of what is going on inside your equipment, the analysis conducted may prove to be of little value in determining the condition of the machine at the time of sampling.

The particles and elements of wear, corrosion, fluid degradation and contamination provide the necessary diagnostic information concerning both the fluid and the machine. These particles can settle or separate out from the fluid, causing an uneven distribution throughout the system. So, choosing the right sampling point is very critical. Below are five tips to follow to ensure you collect the best sample possible.

  1. Take the sample from a point that provides plenty of turbulence in the fluid to ensure the particles are well mixed. 
  2. If you’re sampling from a filtering device, samples should be taken upstream.
  3. For trending, it is best to take the sample from the same location, depth etc. on the equipment – every time.
  4. Where possible, take the sample while the equipment is in operation or within 30 minutes of shut-down.
  5. The best sample points to collect the fluid are different depending on the type of equipment. The chart below outlines some of the best sample points:

To achieve a successful, effective fluid analysis program, the sample has to be truly representative of the equipment or fluid condition. This can only be accomplished if samples are taken from the same proper sampling points each time – this also helps to establish maintenance trends. To ensure you get the most value from your fluid analysis program – and to experience increased uptime and cost savings – follow these easy sampling tips.

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Published April 3, 2018

Elevate Your Fluid Analysis Program and Save More Equipment

Four years ago, several of my colleagues presented a proposal that could simply be billed “if you build it, they will come”. This proposal involved building a groundbreaking, customer-focused event hosted by an independent fluid analysis laboratory. What started as a cautious experiment in 2015 to educate and train our customers on the strategic value of an effective fluid analysis program has grown into a mainstay that brings together more and more customers each and every year. It’s our Customer Summit.

In past years, we’ve focused on issues that matter most to maintenance professionals and fluid analysis leaders. Driving Action. Champion Impact. Connected Performance. Now in 2018, we bring you a summit that focuses on Elevate. Our fourth annual Customer Summit is set for November 5-7, 2018, at the Alexander Hotel in downtown Indianapolis.

Elevate will help our customers sharpen their focus and take their fluid analysis program to the next level. With a dynamic and diverse speaker lineup in the works, we are committed to helping you close the gap and build a fluid analysis strategy for the future.  We’ve structured this summit to be for maintenance professionals by maintenance professionals. We simply provide a platform for key players at companies like yours to learn through peer-to-peer conversations. In turn, our customers leave with a better understanding about what needs to be improved, accelerated and leveraged the most in their programs. You can’t afford not to engage in these conversations – so we encourage you to come experience it first-hand at the 2018 Customer Summit this November.Building on past feedback from nearly 200 customers across more than 90 companies, the 2018 summit will provide greater variety and depth in the content we share. This is a must-attend for new and returning customers. Specific content will include new insights on:

  • Expanding and maximizing your program
  • Securing greater executive support
  • Importance of proven impact, uptime and savings
  • Contamination control
  • Business impact initiatives to improve fluid analysis
  • Innovative technological solutions to maximize your program
  • Optional lab tours before and after the summit schedule

Mixing work with some memorable fun and networking is how we do it. What’s more, we do it in a way that is affordable for multiple members of your team to attend.

Are you ready to take the next step elevate your fluid analysis program? Then clear your calendar in November and join us in Indianapolis at the 2018 POLARIS Laboratories® Customer Summit. We’ll circulate more details when registration opens in late April! Click here to be notified when the 2018 summit registration process opens.

Proven Impact. Proven Uptime. Proven Savings.
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Published March 27, 2018

Take Five and Submit Your Sample

In the maintenance field, timing is everything. Often times, it can be the deciding factor whether or not equipment or machinery breaks down, causing jobs to be pushed back to later dates, effecting other business. What if you could eliminate fluid sample submission from being the cause of delays? POLARIS Laboratories® offers a convenient online sample submission option – which not only saves time, but results faster sample turnaround times, eliminates unnecessary timely delays and increases equipment uptime. So, why should you start submitting samples online?

Five Minutes

On average, it only takes five minutes to submit your fluid analysis sample online via HORIZON®. Rather than filling out the paperwork by hand and sending in the sample to one of our laboratories, online sample submission requires less fields – saving you time. Additionally, submitting your sample data via your HORIZON account – where all your data from previous samples is stored – allows for automatic calculations. All you have to do is scan a barcode, enter a few fields of sample information, click submit and it’s logged in our system. Then, ship the sample with the same barcode to our laboratory and the sample is processed and queued for testing, eliminating the need for our sample processing team to enter the sample information manually.

Reduce Errors

One of the most common causes of samples being placed on hold or tested inaccurately (resulting in a re-test) at our laboratory is paperwork issues. Whether it’s handwriting errors or oil spilled on the paperwork causing readability issues, filling out the sample submission form by hand can cause many issues. As a result, these can cause the sample information to be processed and input into our system incorrectly and result in assignment to the wrong component.

Faster Results

Submitting samples online not only saves you, the customer, time but it accelerates the internal process for our team as well. We’ll recieve your sample information instantly, which results in faster processing time, less samples on hold and less tests being re-run which all mean a faster turnaround time and reduced downtime for you.

Sample Submission on the Go

Online sample submission goes hand-in-hand with our mobile HORIZON application, available for both Apple and Android mobile devices. Download the HORIZON mobile app to your smart phone or tablet and submit your sample information online, as soon as the the sample is taken. Customize your push notifications and receive alerts when specific fluid type samples arrive at our laboratory and check in on the status of your sample. It’s one less task you have to do later, helping you stay on schedule.

For more information, click here to see our detailed step-by-step instructions for submitting samples online.

Proven Impact. Proven Uptime. Proven Savings.
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Published March 13, 2018

One Lab, Multiple Locations

POLARIS Laboratories® constantly strives to meet our customers needs and expectations. Due to a high number of North American customers with locations throughout Europe, and with increasing shipping costs, in 2013 we decided to establish a laboratory facility in Europe to meet our customers needs on a global scale. This meant reduced shipping costs and much shorter turnaround time for samples for customers.

As a laboratory with locations worldwide, we operate on the idea of “one lab, multiple locations”, meaning our customers can be confident their samples will go through the same processing, testing and analysis, no matter what laboratory location their sample is sent to. But, achieving this idea within our international laboratories does come with its challenges. Even though all our laboratories operate under the same quality and laboratory standards, there are many differences within the labs:

Time difference

  • By having a laboratory in Europe – we moved to the same time zone as our global customers (instead of being 5-6 hours behind). This has helped us establish timely customer service and order and sample processing, resulting in the customer receiving assistance and orders faster – and cheaper.

Test methods

  • After some time, we also have realized expectations of our European customers may be different from what we, as a company, were accustomed to while operating only in North America. For example – one of the tests required by Natural and Biogas Engine OEMs in Europe is Base Number according to ASTM D2896 (to read more about ASTM D2896, read Battle of the Base Number Testing: D2896 vs. D4739) To meet our customers’ needs and expectations – we introduced this test in our Poznan, Poland laboratory location, in 2015. This test method is largely conducted for gas engine oil samples but also occasionally for diesel engine oils and research purposes for testing oil/fuel additives.

Sample volume by industry

  • When we break the sample volume per laboratory location into various industries – we’ve found European samples come mainly from industrial applications. 40 percent of the samples processed in our Poznan, Poland laboratory are from the industrial industry. Due to a large quantity of samples sent to the Poznan laboratory which require Membrane Patch Colorimetry (MPC), a test performed on industrial equipment – currently only being conducted at our Indianapolis laboratory – we are adding MCP to testing capabilities in our Poznan laboratory.

Reporting the numbers

  • It’s safe to say not many people on this side of “the pond” would be able to easily tell a gallon from a quart, or an inch from a foot – but no matter what type of units of measure we use – it is important to provide this information with the sample.
  • Operating time is one of the most important pieces of information in fluid analysis. Whether it is reported in miles, kilometers or hours – it is vital for determining severity of contamination or wear and if any maintenance actions need to be taken. Read more in The Importance of Lubricant Time for Proper Oil Analysis.

Whether your samples are sent to our laboratory in Poznan, Guatemala or Salt Lake City, as a global fluid analysis provider, we continue to operate as one laboratory. From processing your sample, to conducting the testing in the laboratory to delivering results and maintenance recommendations, our customers can count on receiving the same quality standard of services from all laboratories. At POLARIS Laboratories®, we offer not only state-of-the-art testing and analysis, but a partnership with our customers and strive to provide innovative solutions and improvements to meet their needs at every step of the fluid analysis journey.

Proven Impact. Proven Uptime. Proven Savings.
Let us prove it to you.

Published March 6, 2018

What You Need to Know about ASTM D975

What diesel fuel testing do you really need?

What is ASTM D975?

We’ve recently gotten a flood of inquiries regarding testing diesel fuel for ASTM D975, but there seems to be confusion on what ASTM D975 is and how it relates to monitoring the quality of diesel fuel. ASTM D975 is the Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils. It is not one test, but rather, it is the specification that describes 13 tests and their acceptable limits, which a diesel fuel must meet at the time of delivery.

Does your fuel meet the requirements?

As a diesel fuel purchaser, you can send a sample to your laboratory to confirm the fuel meets all of the ASTM D975 requirements, but that is unnecessary. Instead, ask your fuel supplier for a Certificate of Analysis (COA) and save yourself thousands of dollars. Just be aware, ASTM D975 does reference a handful of tests that are applicable to monitor in fuels post-delivery, because several fuel properties change over time.

Could storage tanks be impacting your fuel?

If your operation uses bulk fuel storage tanks or you have fuel being stored long-term in standby generators, then we do recommend testing your fuel at least annually – but not for the full suite of ASTM D975 tests. We’ve identified two concerns for long-term diesel fuel storage:

  1. Has the fuel become contaminated?
    • Controlling contamination is the biggest challenge for fuel storage. Water and debris can enter the tank, leading to a variety of issues, including biological growth and injector damage. It’s less likely, but diesel fuel may come in contact with another fluid including oil, coolant or gasoline. These contaminates could change fuel properties, such as flash point, impact ignition quality and cause tank corrosion.
  2. Has there been a change in the fuel’s properties to withstand temperature extremes?
    • You want to be aware of how well your fuel can withstand temperature changes. If you live in an area where ambient temperatures drop significantly in winter months, you need to monitor your fuel’s cloud point and pour point to ensure the fuel will stay fluid and not clog filters. A fuel’s thermal stability is also a critical property to monitor. A fuel with poor thermal stability will experience asphaltene fall out as it is exposed to high crank-case temperatures. This can also lead to plugged filters and abrasive fuel system wear.

As a diesel fuel purchaser dependent on diesel fuel to run your operation, it’s important to know what is included in ASTM D975 and how it effects your diesel fuel quality and cleanliness.

Click here to read more detailed information on diesel fuel testing recommendations.

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Published February 27, 2018

A Closer Look at ISO Codes

As industry maintenance practices continue to evolve and maintenance professionals realize the substantial cost saving benefits of contamination control efforts and fluid cleanliness, we find ISO codes entering our daily conversations more often. Cleaner fluids translate to reduced wear and longer component life. ISO codes are simply a ‘shorthand’ method of quantifying fluid cleanliness.

Language of Cleanliness

Fluid analysis laboratories measure fluid cleanliness with specialized equipment that categorizes particles in the fluid by size and counts the number of particles per volume of the sample in each category or size range. The sample report shows the absolute number of particles equal to or larger than each of the following sizes: 4, 6, 10, 14, 21, 38, 70, and 100 microns.

That’s a total of 8 different numbers to describe fluid cleanliness, which makes it cumbersome to compare and discuss results.

Translating Codes: What Do They Mean?

The ISO 4406 standard simplifies that data by only looking at three size ranges (4, 6, and 14 microns). It further simplifies the data by assigning codes to correspond to a range of particle counts. For example, rather than saying there are 1,890 particles 4 microns or larger, the standard assigns a ‘code’ of 18 (which includes particles counts from 1300 to 2500). A similar code is assigned for the 6 and 14 micron size range. So now the fluid cleanliness is reduced to three numbers (or codes). For example, 18/15/13. That is a much easier way to include fluid cleanliness in our comparisons and discussions.

But, this also means that without a thorough understanding of what those codes mean, we can easily jump to poor conclusions. In a simple example, a change in ISO code from 18/15/13 to 19/15/13 might lead to the assumption that the number of particles between 4 and 6 microns has doubled (since each increase in ISO code doubles the upper and lower range of the previous code). Consider if the actual particle counts at 4 microns were 2485 initially and increased to 2510; the code assigned does indeed increase from 18 to 19, but the absolute particle count is nowhere close to doubling. Conversely, if the initial count was 1310 and the next sample increased to 2490, the number of particles has indeed nearly doubled, but the ISO code has remained at 18.

Understanding ISO Code Shorthand

ISO codes are a great way to simplify our comparisons and discussions on the important topic of fluid cleanliness. But having a thorough understanding of what that ‘shorthand’ notation means, can also save us from overlooking the more subtle picture of what is happening to our fluids.

Click here to read more information on ISO codes and fluid cleanliness.

Proven Impact. Proven Uptime. Proven Savings.
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Published February 20, 2018